Below is CFT's latest news release which NFT President Mariah Fisher shared with Superintendent Kris Cosca. First, read the three reasons why we believe NUSD should consider returning to distance learning.
1. I understand the district's policy regarding what happens when we both slide back to purple or back to red. This is not a drop from one tier to the next, this is a SURGE that we have seen hit worldwide and is now on our doorstep. If nothing else, this pandemic has taught us that we need to be flexible. We have had plans before, and our ability to be flexible has been a strength of our reentry, as highlighted by Dr. Carter at the reentry meeting yesterday.
2. Teachers are scared and need their employer to put the safety of all on campus before anything else.- this surge is very real, and our success of returning 4 grade levels back to school the Monday after Thanksgiving lies on families playing it safe. Is the board really completely confident that families are going to be safe? Your employees who will be on campus are not. We hear about sleepovers, parties, gatherings etc. - on just normal weekends. We need our employer to do the right thing and delay opening.
3. Thanksgiving is only the first concern. Very soon: 2 weeks off, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve, New Years Day - these are right on our tail and again - we need safety to be put first. NFT proposed all grades start back on January 19th, after two weeks of distance learning. It is time we revisit this idea and recognize how important it is to the safety of all of our NUSD Family.
CFT Urges School Districts to Return to or Stay in Distance Learning as COVID Cases Surge Throughout the State and Country
Sacramento, CA -- CFT President Jeff Freitas released the following statement in response to 94% of California's population being moved into the most restrictive purple tier:
“Governor Newsom’s announcement yesterday that 94% of California’s population is now in the most restrictive tier is a wake up call for California’s schools. The more restrictive designation is a recognition of surging cases throughout the state, and will ultimately save countless lives.
“In light of surging cases, and widespread transmission affecting the vast majority of Californians, we call on school districts throughout the state to immediately halt all plans for physically reopening schools before the end of the calendar year. For schools that are currently open, school districts should immediately plan to transition to distance learning.
“Our focus has been and will remain on ensuring that all students, school employees, and community members are safe. And with cases on a dramatic rise, taking decisive action now, rather than waiting for the last moment, is the right move. It prioritizes the safety of our students, and will lead to a smoother and more successful transition to distance learning.
“As California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said in Governor Newsom’s press announcement yesterday: ‘We are in the midst of a surge, and time is of the essence. Every day matters and every decision matters.’
“The best way to ensure our students are safe, to slow transmission rates, and to speed the ultimate reopening of schools, is for our communities to heed public health directives: wear masks, wash your hands, keep physically distant, and avoid all unnecessary social gatherings.”
The California Federation of Teachers represents 120,000 teachers, faculty, and school employees in public and private schools and colleges, from early childhood through higher education. It is the statewide affiliate of the AFT. More information at